What Is the Function of the Pleural Sac Review Sheet 36
Tuberc Respir Dis (Seoul). 2018 Apr; 81(two): 106–115.
Chest Tube Drainage of the Pleural Space: A Concise Review for Pulmonologists
José M. Porcel
Pleural Medicine Unit, Department of Internal Medicine, Arnau de Vilanova University Hospital, IRBLleida, Lleida, Spain.
Received 2017 Sep 24; Revised 2017 October 1; Accepted 2017 Oct 10.
Chest tube insertion is a common procedure usually done for the purpose of draining accumulated air or fluid in the pleural cavity. Pocket-sized-diameter chest tubes (≤14F) are mostly recommended as the beginning-line therapy for spontaneous pneumothorax in non-ventilated patients and pleural effusions in general, with the possible exception of hemothoraces and malignant effusions (for which an immediate pleurodesis is planned). Large-bore breast drains may be useful for very large air leaks, as well as post-ineffective trial with small-bore drains. Chest tube insertion should exist guided by imaging, either bedside ultrasonography or, less commonly, computed tomography. The then-called trocar technique must be avoided. Instead, blunt dissection (for tubes >24F) or the Seldinger technique should be used. All chest tubes are connected to a drainage system device: flutter valve, underwater seal, electronic systems or, for indwelling pleural catheters (IPC), vacuum bottles. The classic, three-canteen drainage system requires either (external) wall suction or gravity ("h2o seal") drainage (the former not being routinely recommended unless the latter is not effective). The optimal timing for tube removal is still a matter of controversy; however, the use of digital drainage systems facilitates informed and prudent decision-making in that area. A drain-clamping test before tube withdrawal is more often than not not advocated. Pain, drain blockage and accidental dislodgment are common complications of small-diameter drains; the most dreaded complications include organ injury, hemothorax, infections, and re-expansion pulmonary edema. IPC represent a starting time-line palliative therapy of cancerous pleural effusions in many centers. The optimal frequency of drainage, for IPC, has not been formally agreed upon or otherwise officially established.
Keywords: Chest Tubes, Drainage, Pleura, Catheters, Pneumothorax, Pleural Effusion
Chest tube placement (also called tube thoracostomy) is a mutual process in daily clinical do which is performed to drain fluid, claret, or air from the pleural cavity. It also serves as a route to instill antibiotics (post-pneumonectomy empyemas), sclerosing agents (pleurodesis), besides as fibrinolytics, DNAse, and/or saline (complicated parapneumonic effusions and empyemas). On the other hand, indwelling pleural catheters (IPC) are becoming a start-line palliative therapy for symptomatic malignant and persistent beneficial pleural effusions.
A recent practiced consensus has stated that interventional pulmonology fellowships in the Usa should perform a minimum of twenty each paradigm-guided thoracostomy and IPC placement procedures annually for standard accreditation1. Consequently, pulmonologists should be familiar with the chief indications, contraindications, technical aspects, and complications of inserting a breast tube in the pleural space; all of which volition be succinctly addressed in the nowadays review.
Indications and Contraindications of Chest Tube Placement
Indications for the insertion of an intercostal chest drain are listed in Table i. The virtually common include pneumothoraces, complicated parapneumonic effusions or empyemas, hemothoraces, bedside pleurodesis, and following cardio-thoracic surgery or thoracoscopic procedures to allow for appropriate lung re-expansion2. Moreover, IPC provide symptomatic relief in patients with big malignant effusions, beneficial effusions resistant to medical therapies, effusions which failed post-obit an attempted pleurodesis, and effusions associated with unexpandable lungs2.
Table i
Indications for the insertion of a breast tube
Blazon of intercostal drain | Indication |
Classical chest tube/catheter | Pneumothorax |
Big or symptomatic primary spontaneous pneumothorax* | |
Secondary spontaneous pneumothorax | |
Pneumothorax in patients on mechanical ventilation | |
Tension pneumothorax† | |
Large or symptomatic iatrogenic/traumatic pneumothorax | |
Occult traumatic pneumothorax‡ associated with hemothorax | |
Pleural effusions | |
Infected effusion (complicated parapneumonics, empyema) | |
Malignant or benign effusions requiring bedside pleurodesis§ | |
Hemothorax | |
Chylothorax∥ | |
Postoperatively | |
Thoracic, cardiac, or esophageal surgery | |
Thoracoscopy | |
Indwelling/tunneled pleural catheter | Large symptomatic malignant effusion¶ |
Symptomatic malignant effusion after a failed pleurodesis | |
Symptomatic malignant effusion with unexpandable lung | |
Symptomatic benign effusion resistant to medical therapy** |
The only absolute contraindication for tube thoracostomy is the lack of informed consent or patient cooperation. Relative contraindications include uncorrected coagulopathy (e.g., patients with international normalized ratio >1.5–ii or with a platelet count <50,000/µL) and instrumental access to the pleural cavity without image-guidance in patients with substantial pleuro-pulmonary adhesions or multiloculations3,iv. Breast tube insertion over an infected skin expanse should be avoided.
Chest Tube Types and Sizes
There are many kinds of chest tubes or catheters, but they are basically classified according to size and method of insertion5. Commercially bachelor chest tubes are fabricated of different materials, including polyvinyl chloride, polyethylene, and silicone. They tin be directly, angled, or coiled at the cease ("hog-tail"). They contain a number of holes forth the side and the tip, and all accept a radiopaque stripe with a gap that serves to mark the most proximal drainage hole ("lookout" hole). Some tubes accept a double lumen, the small 1 normally being used for irrigation.
The internal bore and length of chest tubes determine the air or liquid menses rate through the drain, according to the Poiseuille's law (liquids) and the Fanning equation (gases)6. The size of a chest tube refers to its outer diameter and is given in "French" (F) or "Charrière" (Ch), with 1F corresponding to i-third millimeter. Thus, a 12F tube is four mm in bore. Chest tube sizes commonly range betwixt 8F and 36F (Figure 1). A general distinction is fabricated between small-bore breast tube (SBCT) and big-bore chest tube (LBCT), but the threshold size to constitute this categorization is beingness prepare at either 14F or 20F7,8. For the purpose of this review, SBCT are divers as 14F or less, and LBCT as greater than 14F, unless otherwise indicated. Within this categorization, some authors as well prefer to consider a group of medium-bore tubes (16–24F)2,iii. IPC is a fenestrated silicone xv.5F catheter, 66 cm in length with side holes over the distal 24 cm, which is tunneled to prevent dislodgment and infection (Figure 2).
Chest tubes of unlike sizes.
Indwelling pleural catheter. Note the midway polyester gage (C) and the external portion with a one-manner safety valve (5).
The optimal chest tube size for the management of pleural diseases is notwithstanding a affair of contend. The British Thoracic Gild guidelines suggest that in pneumothoraces and effusions of a malignant or an infectious nature (including empyemas) SBCT are ordinarily adequate9,10,11, although there is a lack of randomized trial data. However, the Therapeutic Interventions in Cancerous Effusion (TIME1) randomized controlled trial plant that 12F chest tubes were associated with a higher pleurodesis failure than 24F breast tubes (30% vs. 24%) in 100 patients with malignant effusions, suggesting that chest tube size matters for pleurodesis efficacy12. Moreover, even though the smaller chest tubes resulted in significantly less pain than the larger ones, the deviation was not likely clinically meaning (mean visual analog scale of 22 vs. 26.8)12. Based upon adept stance, use of chest tubes ≥20F is recommended in the following situations2,3,five,13: (i) there is clinical concern for the presence of an on-going air leak (or significant risk of it, as in traumatic pneumothorax or bronchial dehiscence), (ii) iatrogenic pneumothorax from barotrauma (mechanical ventilation), (3) hemothoraces, and (four) postoperative drainage of the chest cavity.
Techniques for Chest Tube Placement
SBCT and medium-diameter breast tubes are typically placed using the Seldinger technique, whereas LBCT (>24F) tin exist inserted by blunt dissection or the trocar technique. The Seldinger technique has go the most widespread method of tube placement because of the ease of insertion and increased patient comfort14. Conversely, the trocar technique is obsolete and should never be employed since it significantly increases the chance of misplaced drains and organ perforation15.
The insertion of a chest tube tin can be performed at the bedside or the endoscopic suite for well-nigh patients, with the exception of those which are placed later on cardio-thoracic surgery. A unmarried chest tube is sufficient for most drainage indications, simply occasionally two simultaneous or sequent tubes may be necessary for the effective drainage of non-communicating infected fluid collections post-obit a trial of intrapleural fibrinolytics.
one. Grooming, patient positioning, and local anesthesia
After an explanation of the advantages and possible complications of the procedure, patients should give written informed consent, except in emergency situations. A recent chest radiograph should be available to the operator. The assistants of safe antibiotics prior to chest tube placement (eastward.thou., a unmarried dose of cefazolin two g intravenously) is only recommended in patients with penetrating chest injuries16. In add-on to local anesthesia, conscious sedation with an opioid (e.g., 2.5 mg morphine intravenously, fentanyl) or benzodiazepine (east.g., 1–2 mg midazolam intravenously) might be considered when inserting LBCT in broken-hearted patients who are hemodynamically stable5,17.
The offset pace involves positioning the patient according to the location called for drain insertion. Ideally, breast tubes should be inserted at the 4th–5th intercostal space in the inductive or mid-axillary line. To admission this area, the patient is positioned supine, lying on the bed at 45°–threescore°, slightly rotated, and with the ipsilateral arm behind the neck or over the head14,17. The lateral decubitus position with the affected hemithorax upmost is besides possible, but many times it is not tolerated past patients with massive pleural effusions. If the patient has a posterior loculated fluid collection (east.g., empyema), he/she will be in a seated position with the dr. standing behind. Finally, in patients with pneumothorax, the second intercostal space in the mid-clavicular line (Monaldi position) has long been suggested as an alternative site5. All the same, it is not the best choice considering the incision is in a very visible location with the potential for leaving an unsightly scar, the intercostal space is narrow in this site, and information technology requires penetrating the pectoralis muscle. Consequently, simply if very thin catheters (8F) are used can this insertion point be considered an acceptable choice, specially in upmost or inductive pneumothoraces.
Bedside ultrasound (US) should exist used to marking the entry point for all chest tubes in patients with pleural effusions in club to prevent incorrect placement and reduce risk of adventitious organ injury associated with the procedure18. It is common to insert the drain using the so-called free-hand technique, where the dr. marks the entry point under US guidance and the procedure is performed immediately thereafter while the patient remains motionless. Procedures where the radiologist marks the puncture location and the physician performs the tube thoracotomy procedure at a later on point ("10 marks the spot" technique) are highly discouraged, since it is almost incommunicable for the patient to assume the same position they were in when being marked18. Real-fourth dimension imaging, using US or computed tomography, may be necessary when inserting drains into pocket-sized or anatomically difficult-to-access effusions. Experienced US operators may find vulnerable intercostal vessels using a linear probe, thus avoiding accidental puncture of an intercostal artery.
Chest tube insertion is a total aseptic technique; therefore, sterile gloves, gowns, surgical mask, and drapes should be used. Peel disinfection with 10% povidone-iodine or 2% chlorhexidine solutions is confined to the target area, and swabbing from the point of insertion outwardly in a round motion is recommended17. Once sterile drapes are arranged, local anesthetic infiltration of the skin, subcutaneous tissue (25G needle) and parietal pleura (21G needle) with i% or two% mepivacaine (or alternatively, 1% or 2% lidocaine) should be performed. When air or fluid is aspirated, the needle is withdrawn until information technology ceases; then, further local anesthetic is injected, thus assuasive an effective infiltration of the parietal pleura. Importantly, a previous history of allergy or hypersensitivity reactions to local anesthetics should be recorded earlier their administration. Moreover, not infrequently an excessive quantity of local anesthetic produces transitory primal nervous organisation (e.thousand., drowsiness, confusion, convulsions, focal neurological findings)19 and cardiovascular toxicities (e.yard., hypotension, arrhythmias). Total infiltration of up to 20 mL of 2% mepivacaine or two% lidocaine is admissible.
A detailed stepwise description of the techniques for chest tube insertion is beyond the scope of this article. Regardless of the adopted techniques, the tube must be placed on the superior rib margin to avoid injury to the intercostal neuromuscular bundle.
ii. Small-bore breast tubes (Seldinger technique)
SBCT are commonly placed using the catheter-over-guide wire (Seldinger) technique, in which a guide wire is inserted into the pleural space through an introducer needle; the wire should pass without resistance. Then, the needle is removed and dilators are threaded over the wire using a slight twisting action. Afterwards, the chest tube is threaded over the guide wire and into the pleural space, where remains14,17. In cases of pneumothorax, SBCT are directed toward the noon, but for pleural effusions they are directed both inferiorly and posteriorly into the diaphragmatic recess. A silk or synthetic monofilament suture (number i) along with an agglutinative dressing secure the tube in position. An attached 3-mode stopcock connects the tube with the drainage organization. A breast radiography to confirm the breast tube position is mandatory.
Advantages of SBCT include the need for a minor incision (resulting in minimal scarring), less painful insertion, and better tolerability by the patient. However, lumen blockage is a business concern, making information technology advisable to affluent xx mL of saline every viii–12 hours equally a preventative20.
3. Large-diameter chest tubes (edgeless autopsy technique)
Blunt dissection is the standard technique for inserting LBCT. It requires an incision of the pare and subcutaneous tissue large enough to permit the introduction of a finger into the pleural space in society to avoid or break down pleuro-pulmonary adhesions and ensure proper chest tube positioning17,20. Earlier finger insertion, an artery forceps or Kelly clamp must be used to bluntly dissect the intercostal tissues. The skin incision should be made a couple of centimeters below the upper rib border through which the pleural space will be accessed, thus permitting the cosmos of a tunnel of subcutaneous tissue which helps to prevent air re-entry once the tube is removed (coulisse effect)five. The chest tube should be held in place using heavy suture material (silk number 0 or one). An additional "U-stitch" is commonly placed around the tube, and tied to shut the wound later the tube is removed. As for SBCT, a chest radiograph should exist obtained to check for proper positioning, except chest tubes placed post-operatively. The sentinel hole should be at least ii cm across the rib margin. Although LBCT are less susceptible to clogging or kinking than SBCT, they represent a more invasive approach.
4. Indwelling pleural catheters
IPC insertion entails the subcutaneous tunneling of the catheter between ii incisions (about 5 cm apart). A polyester cuff is placed half manner along this tunneled role and acts as a barrier to infection and promotes adhesion to the subcutaneous tissue to secure the catheter in place (Figure ii). The pleural infinite is accessed using the Seldinger technique with a Teflon "peel-away" dilator. With the fenestrated portion of the catheter inside the thoracic cavity, the external portion contains a ane-mode valve that allows fluid and air to go out, but not in, once attached to a vacuum bottle21. At that place are iii IPC manufacturers: PleurX (CareFusion) which continues to be the industry standard, Rocket IPC Pleural Catheter, and Aspira Pleural Drainage System (Bard).
The procedure is usually performed in an ambulatory, day intendance setting, unless the patient has already been admitted for another reason22. Information technology is recommended to prescribe adequate analgesia (due east.g., acetaminophen plus a weak opioid) for at least 2 weeks post-obit the IPC placement23. Intermittent pleural fluid drainage is done at habitation by a trained family fellow member or a healthcare provider.
Chest Drainage Systems
One time a breast tube is in place, a chest drainage organization (CDS) is fastened. In that location are basically four types of CDS: 1-way Heimlich valve, analog three-container systems, digital or electronic CDS, and simple vacuum bottles (for IPC drainage)5.
i. Heimlich valve
The i-way Heimlich valve is a uncomplicated device which contains a safety palpitate valve that is occluded during inspiration (negative intrapleural and intratube pressure), thus preventing air from inbound the pleural space; while being held open up during expiration (positive pleural pressure level) allowing the egress of air or fluid from the pleural space (Effigy iii). Heimlich valves are used for the ambulatory management of pneumothorax (including patients with persistent air leaks) or tension pneumothoraces24. There are commercially available 8F catheters coupled with a self contained one-fashion valve and vent, which allows total patient mobility during handling of pneumothorax (e.g., Rocket Pleural Vent).
2. Three-compartment chest drainage systems
Three-chamber plastic units (east.g., Pleur-evac, Atrium) are probably the most commonly used CDS25. They include a collection bedroom, a water-seal bedchamber and a suction control chamber, which are interconnected. Fluid or air drain into the collection chamber. The water-seal chamber holds a column of water (2 cm) which prevents air from being sucked into the pleural space with inspiration. Finally, the suction chamber may employ a wet (water cavalcade) or a dry out (valve regulator) suction mechanism that allows the suction level to exist adapted for up to −twoscore cm H2O for the dry device versus a maximum of −25 cm for h2o columns; −20 cm H2O beingness the typical initial pre-set level (Figure four). This suction chamber can be attached to continuous wall (external) suction to remove air or fluid, or it can exist placed on "water seal" with no active suction machinery (gravity drainage).

Three-sleeping room organization using a wet (A) or dry (B) suction mechanism. Note the drainage (d), water seal (b), and suction (a) chambers. An air leak meter indicates the degree of air leak, measured in columns from one to 5 (wet organisation) or 1 to 7 (dry system).
Intermittent or abiding bubbling within the h2o-seal chamber is indicative of an air leak, which is often more apparent when the patient coughs. Causes of bubbling other than a visceral pleural tear include a migrated tube with drainage holes outside the skin, or an inadequate closure of the chest tube insertion site. Moreover, patency of the chest tube is verified by observing respiratory fluctuations of the fluid in the water-seal chamber when the patient is on gravity drainage; no fluctuation indicates that either the tube is occluded or the lung is completely expanded and has blocked the holes of the chest tube within the chest cavity. Swinging of the fluid in the collecting tube during respiratory cycles ("tiding") is as well feature of a correctly placed chest tube.
Whether to employ "suction or no suction" (with "suction" meaning external suction, and "no suction" significant water seal) is a decision to be made individually6. It is prudent to start with water seal in patients with pneumothoraces, pleural effusions, or following lung resection surgery (not lung reduction surgery or pneumonectomy). Merely if an air leak persists or the lung does not completely re-expand should suction be applied. When using water seal (as opposed to digital drainage systems), it is mandatory to keep the canister positioned below the chest.
In the instance of massive pleural effusions, the initial drainage should be controlled to prevent re-expansion pulmonary edema. It is necessary to clench the tube if the patient develops respiratory symptoms (i.e., cough, breast tightness or pain, shortness of breath or oxygen desaturation) or recommended after draining 1.five L26. Drainage may be interrupted for up to ane hour or more, or until symptoms resolve, then resumed.
3. Digital drainage systems
Digital drainage systems (e.g., Thopaz, Medela; Atmos; Dentrex, Redax) are gradually condign used in pneumothoraces and following thoracic surgery (Figure 5). These devices reduce inter-observer variability in air leak assessment since they provide a continuous digital recording of air leak, fluid drainage and intrapleural pressure5,27. They maintain a predetermined intrathoracic force per unit area (usually −8 cm H2O), and the organization intervenes merely as needed to accomplish the desired value. Digital systems give the patient the freedom to ambulate without being attached to wall suction. Overall, these electronic systems contribute to shortening infirmary stay past leading to earlier chest tube removal. Moreover, patients tin can exist discharged with these devices in place, if necessary.
Digital thoracic drainage organization (Thopaz, Medela).
four. Vacuum bottles
Drainage of pleural fluid through an IPC is performed past connecting the external 1-way valve to a vacuum canteen. The latter is supplied past the IPC manufacturer (1 L capacity) or, alternatively, Redon disposable drainage vacuum bottles (200, 400, and 600 mL capacity) may exist employed (Figure 6). Instead of using vacuum bottles for pleural drainage, the Aspira catheter uses a transmission pump, which is attached to the catheter and a collection bag in line28. The patient squeezes the pump to initiate the vacuum effect and the fluid drains into the collection bag.
Vacuum bottles for draining fluid in patients with indwelling pleural catheters.
The first drainage session should mostly avoid removal of more than 1.5 50 (or less if drainage causes chest pain or cough secondary to unexpandable lung), as detailed previously. Thereafter, there are no data to guide optimal drainage frequency26. It usually varies from once daily to 2 to 3 times weekly or may even be tailored to the patient'due south symptoms. A recently completed randomized controlled trial favored daily over alternate IPC drainage in that information technology led to a higher charge per unit of spontaneous pleurodesis (47% vs. 24%) in a shorter period (54 vs. xc days)29.
Chest Tube Removal
Most chest tubes are suitable for leaving within the pleural infinite for more than 2 weeks. However, the longer the tube remains, the greater the take a chance of local infectious complications. On the other hand, aspiration drain systems designed for therapeutic thoracenteses (8F), which may occasionally be used for draining small empyematous collections, are ordinarily fabricated of polyurethane and should be removed no later than iii days after their initial insertion5.
Breast tubes are withdrawn when they reach their predefined therapeutic goals or go nonfunctional. In patients with pneumothoraces or following thoracic surgery, a clamping trial and a chest radiograph are unnecessary prior to removal of tube thoracostomy to detect recurrent pneumothorax, provided a digital recording drainage device shows that the patient has no air leaks30. Adequate air flows for chest tube removal are beneath 20 mL/min for eight–12 hours when no suction is applied, or less than 40 mL/min for 6 hours in accordance with other authors5,31. Notwithstanding, when conventional analogue pleural drainage devices are employed, the chest tube is pulled out if the lung remains fully expanded on a chest radiograph performed off suction, and no air bubbling in the water seal bedroom is observed. A bubbling chest tube should never be clamped, since this may atomic number 82 to tension pneumothorax. If doubts on the presence of an air leak exist, some clinicians prefer to perform a clench trial, a risky maneuver that requires shut monitoring of the patient and more often than not leads to unneeded delay of chest tube removal5.
In cases of pleural effusion, the fluid output threshold for chest drain removal is non standardized and depends on the underlying illness. In postoperative situations, chest tubes tin be safely withdrawn with daily outputs upward to 450 mL/24 hr31. Following pleurodesis, some pulmonologists remove the drain when fluid production is below 100–150 mL/twenty-four hour period while others practice it at a specific time (e.chiliad., 24 hours) after the instillation of the sclerosing agent, regardless of fluid book output32.
In preparation for removal, the tube should be taken off suction, placed on water seal and removed quickly at the end of expiration during a Valsalva maneuver while placing a sterile dressing over the insertion site31. Afterward suturing the opening, an occlusive dressing with povidone-iodine is applied to the wound.
In IPC patients, when the pleural fluid output drops to less than l mL on three consecutive drainages, spontaneous pleurodesis is assumed21, provided a bedside Usa rules out the presence of pleural fluid (i.e., the declined drainage cannot be attributed to catheter blockage). In these circumstances the pleural catheter may be removed. Spontaneous pleurodesis occurs in about 50% of patients26. For IPC withdrawal, the adhesions surrounding the cuff need to be freed, commonly with a metal groove director.
The boilerplate rate of complications during or following placement of a chest tube is less than ten% (Tabular array 2), and mainly depends on operator experience, the size of the tube and employ of imaging to guide insertion33,34,35. Fewer complications appear when experienced operators insert SBCT under image guidance. In a British inspect of 58 hospitals, 824 chest bleed procedures were evaluated, of which 83% corresponded to SBCT, lxxx% made utilize of the Seldinger technique, and well-nigh one-half were performed under real-time US36. The virtually frequent immediate complications were hurting (4.i%), failure to identify the bleed (2.4%) and vasovagal reactions (2.1%), while delayed complications included pain (18%), drain blockage (vii.4%), accidental dislodgment (seven.3%), and subcutaneous emphysema (3.iv%)36. As far as LBCT (≥20F) is concerned, commonly reported postal service-insertion complications are malposition (half-dozen.5%), drain blockage (5.2%), organ injuries (1.4%), and empyema (one.4%)20.
Table 2
Complications of chest bleed insertion
Type of complication | |
Insertion-related complications | Malposition of the chest tube* |
Hemothorax* | |
Lung injury (laceration, bronchopleural fistula) | |
Diaphragm injury | |
Cardiac and not bad vessel injuries | |
Esophageal injury | |
Thoracic duct injury (chylothorax) | |
Injury to intestinal organs (stomach, liver, spleen, bowel) | |
Infectious complications | Chest tube site infection* |
Empyema† | |
Necrotizing chest wall infection | |
Mechanical complications | Tube dislodgment* |
Tube kinking* | |
Tube occlusion* | |
Arrhythmias | |
Phrenic nervus palsy | |
Horner's syndrome | |
Miscellaneous complications | Hurting* |
Inadvertent drain removal (inadequately secured chest tube)* | |
Subcutaneous emphysema* | |
Re-expansion pulmonary edema | |
Retained catheter fragment | |
Chest wall arteriovenous fistula‡ | |
Procedure tract metastases (mesothelioma) |
Chest tube malpositions can exist classified as intrafissural, intraparenchymal, and subcutaneous. They should be initially suspected if the chest tube is not draining, and are supported by chest radiographic findings. But often, a computed tomography is necessary to meliorate assess malpositioned tubes. In cases of intraparenchymal misplacement, a 2nd operation chest tube should be placed prior to the removal of the original to avoid tension pneumothorax or extensive subcutaneous emphysema34. Rather than being reintroduced, whatever dislodged nonfunctional tube should be replaced, due to the hazard of infection associated with the reinsertion of the externalized portion of the tube.
Hemothorax may result from intercostal artery laceration or, less commonly, from injury to vascularized pleural tumors. Although this complication is commonly evident during or after the procedure, sometimes bleeding remains undetected due to the tamponade effect of the chest tube itself until the drain is removed33,34.
Subcutaneous emphysema involving chest wall, neck, and face presents every bit a subcutaneous crepitation, and is easily detectable on chest radiographs. Fortunately, it is usually a small-scale and self-limiting complication. Tube blockade or migration of the sentinel pigsty out of the pleural space should be checked. This complexity may demand tube thoracostomy replacement and even subcutaneous incisions or drains.
Complications associated with IPC use occur in 10%–20% of patients26. Many are common for whatsoever chest tube drain, every bit referred to above, though others are more than specific to this process. IPC blockage and symptomatic loculations (i.e., a multiseptated effusion which fails to evacuate through a patent IPC) may crave intrapleural fibrinolysis. IPC-related infection develops in about five% of the cases and remains the strongest concern26. Withal, the infections are more often than not balmy and can frequently be managed conservatively (e.one thousand., antibiotics, saline lavage, drainage of the infected material through the IPC), without needing immediate IPC removal.
Tube thoracostomy is a procedure which tin be performed by trained pulmonologists. Other than postoperative chest tubes, most procedures consist of the Us-guided insertion of SBCT with the Seldinger technique in patients with pneumothoraces, complicated parapneumonic effusions/empyemas, or malignant pleural effusions. Hemothoraces usually require LBCT, which tin be placed past Seldinger or edgeless dissection techniques. Detection of air leaks in patients with pneumothoraces or post-obit thoracic surgery has been greatly improved with the apply of electronic CDS. Finally, IPC are condign a outset-line therapy of symptomatic malignant and persistent benign pleural effusions. They are commonly placed as a day case and permit long-term intermittent fluid drainage in the outpatient setting. Pulmonologists should be familiar with the common complications that may occur during or afterwards chest tube insertion, some of which are potentially unsafe (due east.g., malposition, hemothorax, infection, organ injury, or reexpansion pulmonary edema).
Conflicts of Involvement: No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported.
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Articles from Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases are provided here courtesy of The Korean Academy of Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5874139/
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