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Intense  Vivid  Spellbinding  Fascinating  Full Examples


puzzleI steady my breath and try to calm the panic
puzzleHe was paralyzed to the spot, the menacing aura holding him in a tightening grip.
puzzleFear became a tangible, living force that crept over me like some hungry beast, immobilizing me; my brain, holding me captive.
puzzleI took two small steps backward.
puzzleTerror sucked the very breath from her mouth
puzzlePulse beating in his ears, blocking out all other sound
puzzleTerror washed over her, raising the fine hairs on the back of her neck.
puzzleHeart pounding in her ears, she tried to scream.
puzzleThe sudden shock making her tense her muscles.
puzzleI wanted to run for safety, but my feet would not allow me to do so
puzzleI was not frightened nor was I was afraid. What I felt was beyond such mere nouns.
puzzleHe heard a high pitched scream; he didn't realize it was his own until much later.


puzzleThe color quickly drained from his face.
puzzleA cold wave embalmed him as the hairs rose on the back of his neck and his mouth ran dry.
puzzleSweat poured down my body as I stayed still as possible.
puzzleI opened my mouth but no scream came
puzzleI whimpered and my legs collapsed underneath me.
puzzleMy teeth chattered in fear
puzzleHe slid down the door, bringing his knees up to his chest
puzzleStood there for what looked like hours.
puzzleI put my hand over my mouth to stifle a scream


puzzle He could no longer control his hands; they were shaking in an odd trembling rhythm
puzzle A feeling of dread crept up from the pit of his stomach
puzzle My heart was throbbing in my ears, loud and irregular, but I barely heard it, for my mind was clouded with fear.
puzzle Fear cripples me, freezing every muscle of my body
puzzle My heart froze and my stomach turned icy
puzzle Feeling as though something has walked through me and left me numb shaking
puzzle I tried not to breath but I knew it was impossible.
puzzle I could feel the flight responses kick in, increasing my heart rate, flooding me with added adrenaline
puzzle The beast holding me captive took control of my entire being.
puzzle Shadows and echoes play on his senses warping shapes and sounds


puzzleShe stood for a couple seconds, her stomach churning, her eyes closed. She wanted to be suddenly small and to crawl into someone's lap
puzzleClung to his arm
puzzleHe ushered his dark eyes shut
puzzle Part of me wanted to run, yet I knew that I hadn't come this far too flee just yet
puzzleI couldn't scream. I could only open my mouth to find that even words had deserted me.
puzzleI hadn't noticed the goose bumps creeping on my arms until now
puzzleShe was very scared, hardly breathing at all
puzzleImmediately she shuffled away from him
puzzleHot wet fluid is dribbling down my legs, a bastion of warm comfort in a moment of primal terror.
puzzleThe fear seemed to rise behind his eyes.
puzzleI could feel my bowels loosen as my bladder reacted freely to the all engulfing fear.
puzzleMy life flashed before my eyes.
puzzleEvery muscle in my body screamed at me to flee, but I remained frozen.
puzzleMy breath quickened and I used every muscle in my body to stifle a whimper.
puzzleHeart began to hammer against my chest
puzzleThere was a bitter taste in the back of my mouth that I couldn't seem to get rid of
puzzleIn my terrified mind every breath of wind was as loud as a blood curdling scream.

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